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The choice

Did you really choose us? Some paranormal theory says, soul chooses the parents, the home and the location. On this day (27.04) 4 years back, I got my test result for NIPT while I was pregnant to determine if my unborn child has Down Syndrome.  I was heart broken, hurt, angry, sad for her diagnosis.  We all want healthy babies, like we want ourselves to be healthy.  The diagnosis said she will be having a harder life than others and will take us on that road too. Most clinicians before and after the test, advised us to get an abortion. But we made sure, we searched a lot and found few doctors who said otherwise. 1 day before my birthday while being pregnant, I got the result. I was in denial and thought this wont happen to me and then when the result came, I felt why me. I read up a lot while I was going to have her. This word I found, stayed with me: ‘ENSOULMENT’. When does a new life get its soul? This was the question that I asked while reading. Is it when it’s an embryo or a foetus

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